Our Generation

October 31, 2021
“That’s just how our generation does things.” I’ve often heard this as an attempt to explain the different quirks and values different people have. The Baby Bomer Generation is known…
Today we’re continuing our series entitled “Rhythms of Rest.” We’ve seen our need for rest and how to include the Sabbath in our weekly rhythms. Today we’re going to pull…

Reflecting Rest

September 26, 2021
Our culture greatly emphasizes individuality. As such, it is easy to understand our Journey with Jesus primarily through the lens of ourselves. This is especially easy when it comes to…

Sabbath is Freedom

September 19, 2021
Today we’re continuing our look at Rhythms of Rest. The Sabbath tells us to stop, to slow down, to take a break from everyday life. But our culture tells us…

God Rests

September 12, 2021
As we continue our series entitled “Rhythms of Rest,” the most common objection given to the idea of rest is one of time. Someone might say, “I don’t have time…

Rhythms of Rest

September 5, 2021
We live at a faster pace than any culture before us. We give ourselves so many tasks and try to fit them all into an impossible schedule. These include family,…